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Andreas Klatt

German. Actor, experienced, warm, decisive authority.

Authoritative and decisive, yet warm baritone. Often seen as the producers' choice. Unflappable in times of crisis, with quick-witted script input and a deep understanding of post-production and localization requirements, Andreas benefits from thirty busy years in the industry. He has been involved in everything from games, corporates and medicals to product reveals and high-profile radio and TV commercials, both in Germany and the UK, as well as Austria, Switzerland, Latvia and Turkey, most recently in projects such as:

Adstream, BMI, Dell (21 campaigns), DHL, Esso (4), Internet Brokers, Lego (5), Leonteq, Microsoft (3), Nokia, Norton Utilities (2), Quingo, Rosetta Stone, Save the Children (7), Skechers, Sony, Total War Rome II (2), Vodafone, War Thunder

ABB, Amex, Atlas Copco, Audi, Balfour Beatty, Belron, Bosch, BP, BT, Canon, Carrier, Caterpillar, CHEP, Cisco, DaimlerChrysler, Deutsche Post DHL, Dow, emarsys, Epson, FIFA, Getty Images, Hartmann, Hay Group, IBM, Intel, Iomega, HP, Kodak, Olympus, Pfizer, Philips, PokerStars, Roche, Schneider Electric, Shell, Siemens, Syngenta, Toyota, UBS, Unilever, Visa, Vodafone, Volvo, VW

Official audio guides
Buckingham Palace, Windsor Castle, Edinburgh Castle, National Gallery, King's College Cambridge, Holyrood House, Stirling Castle, Chiswick House, Pearl Harbor Memorial, Intel Museum, Witney Museum of American Art, Guggenheim New York, Versailles, Rubens Museum, Mauritshuis, Van Gogh Museum

TV Drama/Documentary
The Making of Merkel with Andrew Marr, The Power of Art, The Space Race, Guernica, Hitler's Doctors, Leonardo, D-Day in Colour, Panorama, Newsnight, Songs of Praise, Admiral's Cup - Team New Zealand, Olympic Games in Flight 2012

Member of British Actors’ Equity since 1991

In previous lives
Duty editor, Reuters
Current affairs producer and presenter, BBC Radio and TV
Anchor, World Cup and Olympic Games, Deutschlandfunk

Specialist translation skills
In copywriting Andreas coined the English Red Bull slogan ' you wiiings'.
As a translator, he is specialized in post-production scripts, deftly handling a language which tends to claim more space than the context allows. Areas of special expertise in print translation include:
Automotive engineering
- Preferred translator at Rover/Land Rover, maintaining a one-to-one freelance relationship across several changes in ownership (British Aerospace, BMW, Ford) for more than twenty years

Classical music
- Liner notes for major labels (representative credits at